
Hungary international conference to celebrate 10 anniversary of accession to the European Union

Hungarian foreign minister cheap basketball ncaa jerseys Maul Tony said, should celebrate 10 anniversary of accession to the European Union, despite the setback, but everyone can be satisfied with the achievements of the past 10 years. He said, poll, Hungary on the European Union's support rate than the EU average.

Slovakia foreign and European Affairs Minister Lechak said, the EU enlargement to the acceding States bring many benefits, today's central area than before more peace and prosperity, these cheap customized jerseys countries geopolitical importance has increased.

, former Prime Minister of Italy, Dini said, the enlargement of the European Union 10 years ago, the influence on continental Europe over decades of life before any event. Former German Foreign Minister Westerwelle said, although the European exist everywhere "European skepticism", but the EU is "the one and only success story". In the era of globalization, which means "life insurance for European residents".

at the same time, the participants to the EU continue cheap nhl jerseys to expand have expressed their support. Mauer Toni pointed out, the re unification of Europe cheap jerseys has not been completed, should put the process to continue. A former French Foreign Minister Wade Rena said, the western Balkan countries should be on the same day to join the European Union, but this decision does not allow to cheapjerseys.us make hasty.

2004 year in May 1st, officially became a member of the EU in Hungary, Czech, Poland and Slovakia and other 10 countries. This is the history of the largest scale expansion.

