
reporting suspicious circumstances

according to the Xinhua News Agency reporter 25, learned from the Ministry of public security, the Ministry of public security, the Ministry of transport recently jointly issued the notice, the deployment of public security Cheap Rays Hats organs and transportation departments to strengthen the city public transportation security work, to improve the safety of the masses, ensure the safety of people's lives and property, safeguarding the public security and social stability.

Notice that

, the public security organs and departments of transportation to the city public transportation security work to a more prominent position, strengthen measures, efforts to build peace, peace Metro bus, to prevent the occurrence of terrorist attacks, such as serious personal extreme violence crime and stampede accident, incident.

according to the "government, enterprises, departments of supervision" ideas, and Cheap Royals Hats vigorously strengthen city public traffic security prevention Cheap Red Sox Hats and control system, improve the safety level, the formation of prevent strict control strict crackdown high-pressure situation. To strengthen the monitoring and controlling, to carry out armed patrols in key areas, key line, strengthening inter sectoral cooperation, in some cases the rapid reaction. To draw domestic and foreign city public transportation major case events, a comprehensive investigation and security risks vulnerabilities.

gradually in large and medium-sized city in key areas, key, key periods station line subway, buses equipped with crew management personnel, with the car passengers, to maintain order, to strengthen security. Adhere to the combination of man, and the normal security check sampling combination, establish and perfect the security system, and resolutely prevent hazardous explosives, knives and other prohibited items, on the train station. To improve the security of equipment and facilities, equipped with the necessary rescue equipment and emergency equipment, and vigorously promote the construction of video monitoring system, and actively promote Cheap Nationals Hats the use of new technologies, new products.

notice also stressed, should be organized to mobilize the masses to participate in security work, Cheap Dodgers Hats timely find contraband, reporting suspicious circumstances, to stop the illegal and criminal activities. To provide significant clues to help uncover suspicious, major cases and effectively stop the illegal and criminal activities, to catch criminals, to give the award.

(original title: national public transport will prevent terrorist attacks)

